Thursday, November 1, 2007

All in a day's work!!

whoA!!!! I really need to set all my skills of exageration and explanations ready if I have to describe yesterday with the honour of it intact coz it was one hell of a day..for everybody else it mite have been a usual day or a boring one maybe bt not was not any where next to normal even leave alone usual..

the beginning of the day didn’t tip off anything of that sort…my friends had completed a year of their union and we were ecstatic cause we had seen this relationship blossom in front of us with joy ,love ,tantrums, fights, bullying almost anything and everything and the only motive to gather In barista was to drill a hole in his pocket for this celebration(well we just need a tiiny wiiny reason,dont we jaisi??)

later I went to watch a flick in the afternoon after having my brains full of all the rambling from day before,it was a decent complains..usual hindi happy-go-lucky scenario at display…watched it,grabbed a bite thereafter and came back coz the clock was ticking and I had to go back to my hostel otherwise I could be in deep shit.but reaching back I realized that its our friends birthday too and we had to plan a surprise party.thank goodness all the otha mates had gathered all the bits and pieces and I was just supposed to cook the curry and help them arrange..the theme was decided upon…we had a bash,a real good tym with all of us loosing our sanity(and um !!clothes later)…the warden too couldn't resist and joined was crazy!!!
We had to put an end to this insanity as our books were screaming outta the closets and we had to rush back to complete those unfinished assignments..what happened next is my actual motive of writing the post..
We heard screams...actual screams...bang!!!doors closing with loud thuds...insults and profanity...first we thought it must be just in light humour but later i realised what was the actual thing..

as i went to my frnz room to take to her about an unresolved discussion i was alarmed to see her in tears..gosh!!her face was swollen and she was siting in the corner of her very own room..i inquired and found that she actually was amidst the whole bedlam and madness tht we just heard and had made fun of slyly(oops!!)...she was inquiring about this shattering sounds of bottles she heard in the balcony from the passerby while this another girl was sleeping..awakened by the sound this "sleeping beauty" comes and asks her to shut up first my friend thought of cursing her but then she explained why she was there..and she was thriving no personal pleasure from it..but that girl was a maniac she shot back and yelled her throats out...but then my friend or rather i should say my senior couldn't hold back and she yelled motherf***** at first girl called her was a pure Hindi filmy masala cat fight!!!! but then she followed my friend and slammed her door open and tried to THROTTLE her...we were shocked..i mean was that for real..???(( somebody actually strangling somebody in front of our eyes as if a video was rolling and we were those left over paid spot people supposed to behave as ecstatic morons!!!))...we bent over to loosen her claws(i mean claws!!)..phew!!!what are still not able to sink in the whole spectacle that occurred then and there.. we are still laughing our asses off in bewilderment..good lord!!!

and the victim is still wondering whether she is still in the right epoch...and is amused..and is still uttering mother****** under her breath..
moral of the story :watch ur mouth!!

funny things happen in hostels!!I sometimes ponder whether i could have been moulded the same Way if i didn't have this private space???what if i had not gone through the whole experience of being one of the nivedita girls???..well,a place where everybody can see girls standing and looking at the outside world but nobody can help them :)..they seemed like mental asylum prisoners..where more then bringing ,asking for food was the actual triumph,hostel rooms were so crappy that even a pig might rise his eyebrows for minute!!..warden eavesdropping And lalaji with his deliberately untied dhoti(yucks!!) looking at us like a bulldog staring...where study table is meant to be auspicious for every other load except than books..that might be manhandling it!!..where our day ends exactly the same time people get out of their homes...and yes where you find people strangling each other and knocking each others senses out.-----------------funny place but i like it somehow cause i know that its my second home now..and well where would i find this kind of flavour in my life Anywaz except then here...
cheers to the anarchy!!!

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